Pakistani Fashion Jewellery.
Collecting, Handling, And Housing Gemstones
The 'Pick-up' position for a stone is when it is resting flat on its table facet. if the tongs, also resting flat on the table, are slid into position until their tips flank the stone and project a little beyond it, and the specimen is then lightly gripped, it should be in a correct position to be handled and inspected with safety. the late sir james walton, in whose safe surgeon's hands tongs were instrument of precision, found it useful to mark with a file a longitudinal groove on the inner faces of the tongs, into which the girdle of the stone to be handled fitted snugly, spacial spring tongs with strongly grooved lips are, in fact, much used in the U.S.A and in switzerland for holding stones securely while under observation, particularly under the
microscope, where they can be mounted on a holder fixed fixed on the stage of the instrument.
microscope, where they can be mounted on a holder fixed fixed on the stage of the instrument.
if i have to buy any of the necklace then what should i do?