Friday, December 22, 2023

Uruguayan Bridal Jewellery Necklace Earring Ring.

Uruguayan Bridal Jewellery Necklace Earring Ring.

By Aamir Mannan.     Friday, 22, December, 2023.

 They worked two styles of pieces: cast pieces and pieces hammered out of sheet metal. Fewer pieces of cast jewellery have been recovered. It was made by casting the metal onto two stone or clay moulds. The two halves were then joined, and wax, followed by molten metal, was placed in the centre. May peace be upon you. Today is Friday and today is the 22nd of December and this is the last month of the year 2023, And I tell you now that there is a country in this world called Uruguay and the capital of that country is Montevideo. And the currency that is used in this country is called the Uruguayan peso and this country is one of the South American countries.


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